Reindeer Facts
Total FLying Reindeer
Barrels of carrots eaten daily
Accidents in 2015

A Message from I Spot Santa Directors, Pasquale & Autumn Murena
We have spent many hours with Santa’s Reindeer, we have fed them, flew with them and even made them chicken noodle soup when they were sick. It is commonly known that Santa has 9 flying reindeer but he also has another 300 that he takes care of. When a reindeer is sick or homeless Santa takes them in and takes care of them. They are not able to fly but they do compete in the yearly Reindeer Derby and can run like the wind.
Dasher is the eldest of Santa’s reindeer, respected by all the other reindeer and is the leader of the reindeer pack. When Santa takes a flight Dasher calls the directions and everyone follows.
Every morning Prancer leads the exercises for all of Santa’s reindeer, lately he has been adding yoga to his exercise routines and sometimes the reindeer get their antlers tangled.
The fastest reindeer in the sky, Comet made headlines in every newspaper as the only reindeer to run in a horse race. She wore a hat to hide her antlers but with her speed it flew off and she was disqualified.
Santa has to put Donder in the back of the pack because he is a little forgetful. Santa once put him in the front of the pack and Donder took him to Jamaica when he wanted to go to Paris, France.
Flying to the right of Dasher and in the front of the pack, Dancer sometimes forgets to take his earphones out while flying. He loves dancing, hence his name and his favorite dance in the Merengue.
The youngest of the group, when Vixen is not flying with Santa she spends her nights with her friends. She enjoys board games and is a pro at Monopoly, she once won a 6-month Monopoly marathon.
Cute as a button she is, Cupid has won the Miss Reindeer Pageant for the last 300 plus years. She is a part time veterinarian and helps out with all the animals around the North Pole forest. There isn’t an animal she doesn’t love.
Blitzen is the group prankster, he once greased the landing runway and when Santa and his reindeer landed they crashed into the Candy Cane factory. Santa has to keep his eye on him.
Rudolph is the youngest reindeer at the North Pole and the most famous. He was once made fun of and shunned by the other reindeer, they wouldn’t even let him play in reindeer games. His bright red nose was the bunt of jokes until one foggy day he led Santa’s sleigh. Now whenever there is bad weather he leads the sleigh and all the reindeer love him.

Comments 17
luv you santa, thank you for the rc planes.
We will let Santa know what you said, Katie.
Thank you santa
Merry Christmas Oliver!
I love santa!!!!
Us too Oliver!
It’s Not Even December!
There is this guy, who has an eye, on Christmas eve this year.
A time of hope, some might elope!, a time of Christmas cheer.
Now this old guy, who wears no tie, surrounds himself instead,
With eight tiny reindeer, who pull his tiny sled.
He has a name, known ‘round the world, and no one does forget,
That this old man is Santa! But we’ve not ever met!
Still all the milk and cookies, that everyone leaves out
Are gone by Christmas morning, along with lots of shouts,
Of “Santa’s come! Oh, all wake up! Santa has been here!”
And, of course, along with, his eight tiny reindeer.
Lynn, what a wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas!
Santa is real don’t care what anyone says.
Very true Makayla! Merry Christmas.
santa is the best.
Merry Christmas Jeff, we agree!
i love you santa.
Merry Christmas Wyatt!
To Santa:
Hi Santa,
I wonder what it is like in the North Pole. And Joy Christmas is the greatest elf! I love you.
Love, Sofia V.
I love you Santa! Merry Christmas!
Isn’t Rudolph the youngest reindeer?