Dorf and Rudolph with Tim Conway

I Spot SantaDorf, North Pole 19 Comments

Rudolph is missing! What will Santa do on Christmas Eve without his talented reindeer? The team here, at I Spot Santa needs to find him! Don’t worry, our official Santa Spotter, the always funny, Dorf (Tim Conway) is on the job. Dorf is on the lookout for Rudolph in Dorf and Rudolph. When Dorf found out that Rudolph was missing, he …

Dorf and the Transporter with Tim Conway

I Spot SantaDorf, North Pole 14 Comments

Dorf (Tim Conway) is back at it again in his latest Christmas adventure. He has some new technology to try out too! If you know Dorf like we do, you know that he is always up to something. And this time, he is out to try to help Santa move even faster on Christmas Eve. Let’s delve into Dorf and …

Dorf Bigger is Better with Tim Conway

I Spot SantaDorf, North Pole 4 Comments

Dorf (Tim Conway) has a very important message for all of you that are thinking about buying him a gift this year. Since Dorf is always thinking ahead he was giving you some tips on what to buy him for Christmas. Our favorite elf is taking time out of his busy schedule at the North Pole so make sure you …

Dorf’s Letters to Santa

I Spot SantaDorf 4 Comments

Dorf (Tim Conway) wasn’t very happy with his presents last year with Santa Claus, he’s thinking maybe Santa didn’t get his letter. This year he is going to make sure he delivers the letter personally to Santa Claus that way he gets all the presents on his list. Dorf shows us the stocking Santa Claus left him last year, it’s …

Dorf and Letters to Santa 2 of 3

I Spot SantaDorf Leave a Comment

Dorf (Tim Conway) wasn’t very happy with his presents last year with Santa Claus, he’s thinking maybe Santa didn’t get his letter. This year he is going to make sure he delivers the letter personally to Santa Claus that way he gets all the presents on his list. In part 2 of 3 Dorf knows Santa is going to fly by soon …

Dorf and Letters to Santa 3 of 3

I Spot SantaDorf 4 Comments

Dorf (Tim Conway) wasn’t very happy with his presents last year with Santa Claus, he’s thinking maybe Santa didn’t get his letter. This year he is going to make sure he delivers the letter personally to Santa Claus that way he gets all the presents on his list. In part 3 of 3 Dorf has had no luck getting his letter to Santa …

Dorf on the Naughty List

I Spot SantaDorf, Tracker 4 Comments

One of Dorf’s favorite things to do during the holidays his help Santa Claus deliver all the presents but ever since last year Dorf has been a bad boy and now he is on the naughty list. He needs to talk to Santa and clear his name before Christmas Eve or he’s going to be one sad Santa Spotter. Dorf …

Dorf on the Naughty List 2 of 3

I Spot SantaDorf, North Pole Leave a Comment

One of Dorf’s favorite things to do during the holidays his help Santa Claus deliver all the presents but ever since last year Dorf has been a bad boy and now he is on the naughty list. He needs to talk to Santa and clear his name before Christmas Eve or he’s going to be one sad Santa Spotter. In …

Dorf on the Naughty List 3 of 3

I Spot SantaDorf, North Pole 16 Comments

One of Dorf’s favorite things to do during the holidays his help Santa Claus deliver all the presents but ever since last year Dorf has been a bad boy and now he is on the naughty list. He needs to talk to Santa and clear his name before Christmas Eve or he’s going to be one sad Santa Spotter. In …